Hi - My name is Victoria....
For more than twenty years now I have been studying and testing and exploring a plethora of techniques and practices based on my own desire to "Be Free Be Happy" through intense pain and trauma from past experiences I began the journey to free myself to go within to listen, learn and understand the why what where when who and how to truly know myself. I have gained some amazing insights and knowledge of how to be well, healthy, balanced deeply peaceful relaxed and happy. I can teach you how to achieve optimal health and happiness utilising Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual techniques. No drugs, no side effects and little to no cost involved for most of these techniques once learned.I have the ability to read your consciousness on all levels, times space dimensions and realities (multidimensionally) I can feel and look inside your body and scan your energy to help assess and shift/elevate your energy into higher vibrational frequencies...reconnecting you with source. Also on a physical level guiding a detox process with health tips that are inexpensive and easy to use. My teachings are multidimensional...authentic, efficient, powerful, compassionate, loving & magical. Currently my age is 45 the pictures on my website are not edited or enhanced....to be and feel truly youthful starts from the inside out is a testimony to the tools & techniques. It is a honour to share these with anyone that is open to listen and receive. The more present we are the less we age...the less distracted we are the more we enJOY being...the more well-being we enJOY the more we receive. 💗 Many of my clients, friends and family use these techniques today to achieve amazing and positive results. By learning how to apply some simple things to your own life you can be free of dis-ease, be well stay well and have a significantly better quality of life. “Memories buried alive never die”. ~Robert.G.Smith Please feel free to research any of the therapies I’ve listed below before proceeding to book a session or alternatively contact me and ask as many questions as you feel you require before arranging an appointment...you may wish to book a free consultation....I am happy to explain any treatments in detail and gift you a sample of the possibilities... ❤️Faster EFT (emotional freedom transformations) ❤️ VRT (visual release tap) ❤️ Matrix Energetics ❤️ Detox Specialist ❤️ Toxicologist ❤️ Tibetan pulsing healing ❤️Tibetan Iridology (eye reading) ❤️ Bio energy shaking Meditation ❤️ Acupressure ❤️ Massage Deep tissue/sports ❤️ Holistic Therapies ❤️Sound healing ❤️ DNA Theta Healing ❤️Body code Some of the work I do is based on the belief systems you hold and this explains how this effects your past, present and future and how changing that is the key to creating the world you want to live in. We deprogram neutralise reprogram the neurology...the pathways of the brain can be upgraded deleted analysed observed changed transformed integrated translated explained and so forth. "We cannot change the past but we can change the way we feel about it" I run private and group sessions, consultations and a retreat programme. If you are curious to know more, please watch some of my video testimonials to see how others have been helped. I also run talks and seminar programmes. If you are a private or community group, an organisation, large or small I will set up and run a programme with you or for you. Just let me know your requirements. With my support and guidance we can achieve this together...it's time to fully accept and embrace all of your feelings. It's such a great experience and it's easy when you know how....take this opportunity to make peace with your past and create the future you wish to live in and you will.... Be Free Be Happy :) Deepest Love Victoria ❤️ |
Therapies /Practices
Symptoms that can be healed & improved
All levels of our being require balance mental,emotional, physical,spiritual ...we can address them and access them individually to balance and bring complete wholeness happiness love acceptance joy!
Make The Most of Your Own Wellness Guide GIVE THE GIFT OF PEACE AND LOVE TO SOMEONE YOU LOVE, CALL ME TO ORGANISE Book a session today 💗💗💗 |