Something I was inspired to write and share a few years ago ....a small insight into.....
Feelings and emotions
Friend or foe we can't get away from them....
I trust this will shine a light on some of the things you are experiencing or make sense of things you may have experienced.
What your emotions are really saying to you...??
Sometime people shut down passion to fit in or be more like the family, friends or work colleagues, be or feel more accepted my others
This effects us deeply...internally it makes us angry and resentful. We are not being authentic.
Surpressed passion turns into anger
Anger at yourself for compromising and not living your life the way you truly wish
Expressed passion expands into compassion
When you look for acceptance externally you sacrifice your truth, passion, integrity and individuality
When you feel angry ask:-
How can I express this passion in a healthy way
The absence of passion is sadness
Sadness helps you to see only passion will save you
Depression is a human way of judging awakening (awakening can happen rapidly or slowing & is your choice)
The bridge from sadness to passion is "Relaxation"
Sadness is saying you need self care right now
Fear is repressed excitement
Excitement and fear are the same vibrations it's just your perception of it that choose what feels the best to you!!
You do not choose outcomes you chose the quality of the experience..... is happening anyway it is our choice whether we want to love it or hate it....wherever you can choose love choose choose love
The body is always looking for balance and homeostasis...and to experience this you must realise your body has four major elements the physical mental emotional spiritual. I will go into how they are all connected in more detail at a later date for now a brief insight into the body & emotions ....and this word ego.
Everybody has an ego.. the ego is not a bad thing or a good can be a help and sometimes a hindrance.....however if you allow it can be a great insight into knowing ones self.
An awake being is a conscious being a conscious being has an integrated ego. the ego is not in control or in charge of your life nor is it to be dismissed ignored,denied or unacknowledged.
Within the physical body you feel emotions, those emotions are connected to the unconscious and conscious mind and your mind is connected to emotions and emotions are connected to ego...the ego is you...the ego is inner child ...the unintegrated aspects of self...unloved...unacknowledged...unheard....hidden in the darkness...afraid...forgotten..abandoned and so on...(everything is you) just different levels/aspects of you/self.
The ego/inner child are different aspects of self that have been judged by you or others...suspended or frozen in time in a loop replaying that experience. At some point in your life this experience was defined and accepted by you as truth and became a part of you. But it is only a half truth. Not a universal/divine truth. Anything that caused you to feel the opposite of love is only a half truth universal/divine truth is love and this will always set you free (or that part of self that is being judged...are you following??
Are we following our own inner guidance ??
"We may have heard the saying we cannot love & judge in the same breath"
...we are guiding those aspects of self/ego/inner child home....
to the heart...through judgment to love.
To the alignment and integration the divine truth of our crystalline consciousness.
Returning to love is to love ones self fully completely dark/light failures/successes good/bad right/wrong.
"Home is where the heart is"
Soul resides within the tiny space of the heart ...tiny space resides within the sacred space ...scared space resides within the physical heart.
Tiny space is the infinite space of all creation...
Fully integrated back to the soul self which is the "now" self, present self the gift of being & feeling fully present in each moment ...not living in the past or projecting the past into the future. Complete freedom to be who you are here to be in each breath you take.
No push/pull backwards or forward. Not living in the past or projecting into the future.
Present now. Being now. Loving now.
Grief is a purification or detoxification... when you feel like you are dying you are releasing the old to welcome the new. the release of attachments!!
"Objects and things don't make you feel different, you make you feel different"
Grieving beings are "awakening" beings
"Awake" beings are those who do not grieve anymore. We must allow the grieving process to move through us authentically for this to truly transform.
Grief is a gift that says congratulations you gave yourself fully to your have fully immersed yourself into that experience...well done!!!
It does not destroy your ego/inner child
It only eradicates the prison this loss the prison dissolves....the child is free to emerge and integrate with the adult self at the soul level into the heart the now self you grow up you grow wiser
When you love deep enough grief is your gift
Jealousy/envy are here to show you what you are about to receive ...when you see something you wish for more of experience a feeling a person or someone you wish to me more like it is a sign to show you what you truly desire...only you don't yet believe you can have it ( jealousy knocks on your door) this feeling is not a bad thing it is a reminder that you can choose to admire and appreciate that thing you so desire or be jealous either way it is a sign that your desires are coming to you ....the way you feel about it matters not. "Love or hate life is happening it is a choice which way you wish to feel about it "
"Things don't bring you happiness you bring you happiness"
It's ok to have things just choose not to put all your happiness on that one thing whether it's nice outfit a house, car or job and especially not your children or partner etccc
Enjoy and feel grateful for the experience of things...but know that happiness is a choice you chose to feel it ....
the car the job the house did not give you happiness
"you gave you happiness"
If you want to be happy then choose happy
Enjoy the things you have but know that if they were not there you still have the "option" to be and feel happy
Sometimes you are afraid to feel happy incase of disappointment
Disappointment is power being returned
Your Shadow self (unhappy/dark side of self) is the light of divinity in its repressed form
Expression is fully embracing the light of your being.
Feelings are a gift...when we limit ourselves or get stuck in one feeling sometimes we don't know how to get unstuck because the stagnation is so familiar and perceived as less scary then the thought of moving or changing our experience.
There are many ways we can free ourselves from this place and expand into more conscious awareness, it is embracing and observing those feelings without judgment and if we become aware of judgment not judging the judgment we can learn to be fully present with that too...
Presence is zero point ...presence is love
Presence is transformational
Being present is a gift
Are you aware how easy it is to create the life we deeply divinely desire, to live inside the most beautiful home (that home being the one inside of us)
We can create and uncreate, clear, change clean upgrade unlearn the programs & belief systems that created the unhelpful patterns of thoughts feelings & emotions we no longer want or need.
"By changing the neural pathways"
We can utilise many methodologies and modalities bringing divine truth balance integration introspection homeostasis freedom/liberation insights & wisdom...we can choose meditation and use breath work to be with the feeling...Observing/ listening/receiving...Energy & Belief work comes in many forms ....Tapping techniques, DNA Theta healing, Body/emotion code, Tibetan pulsing are highly beneficial from personal experience....trauma release exercise ...inner child integration/shadow work ....matrix energetic energy shaking...talking to a heart centred experienced professional ...a non biased trusted friend....find ways of expressing yourself creatively through singing and dancing...playing a musical instrument. Being active and also learning how to completely relax our bodies & minds. Changing our diets to high vibrational foods drinking pure clean & energised waters.
Whatever you choose...explore it and adventure through it whole heartedly with as much love and gratitude as you can allow.
In each moment life's wonderment and beauty will be revealed unto “joyous” step at a time.
Much love
Something I was inspired to write and share a few years ago ....a small insight into.....
Feelings and emotions
Friend or foe we can't get away from them....
I trust this will shine a light on some of the things you are experiencing or make sense of things you may have experienced.
What your emotions are really saying to you...??
Sometime people shut down passion to fit in or be more like the family, friends or work colleagues, be or feel more accepted my others
This effects us deeply...internally it makes us angry and resentful. We are not being authentic.
Surpressed passion turns into anger
Anger at yourself for compromising and not living your life the way you truly wish
Expressed passion expands into compassion
When you look for acceptance externally you sacrifice your truth, passion, integrity and individuality
When you feel angry ask:-
How can I express this passion in a healthy way
The absence of passion is sadness
Sadness helps you to see only passion will save you
Depression is a human way of judging awakening (awakening can happen rapidly or slowing & is your choice)
The bridge from sadness to passion is "Relaxation"
Sadness is saying you need self care right now
Fear is repressed excitement
Excitement and fear are the same vibrations it's just your perception of it that choose what feels the best to you!!
You do not choose outcomes you chose the quality of the experience..... is happening anyway it is our choice whether we want to love it or hate it....wherever you can choose love choose choose love
The body is always looking for balance and homeostasis...and to experience this you must realise your body has four major elements the physical mental emotional spiritual. I will go into how they are all connected in more detail at a later date for now a brief insight into the body & emotions ....and this word ego.
Everybody has an ego.. the ego is not a bad thing or a good can be a help and sometimes a hindrance.....however if you allow it can be a great insight into knowing ones self.
An awake being is a conscious being a conscious being has an integrated ego. the ego is not in control or in charge of your life nor is it to be dismissed ignored,denied or unacknowledged.
Within the physical body you feel emotions, those emotions are connected to the unconscious and conscious mind and your mind is connected to emotions and emotions are connected to ego...the ego is you...the ego is inner child ...the unintegrated aspects of self...unloved...unacknowledged...unheard....hidden in the darkness...afraid...forgotten..abandoned and so on...(everything is you) just different levels/aspects of you/self.
The ego/inner child are different aspects of self that have been judged by you or others...suspended or frozen in time in a loop replaying that experience. At some point in your life this experience was defined and accepted by you as truth and became a part of you. But it is only a half truth. Not a universal/divine truth. Anything that caused you to feel the opposite of love is only a half truth universal/divine truth is love and this will always set you free (or that part of self that is being judged...are you following??
Are we following our own inner guidance ??
"We may have heard the saying we cannot love & judge in the same breath"
...we are guiding those aspects of self/ego/inner child home....
to the heart...through judgment to love.
To the alignment and integration the divine truth of our crystalline consciousness.
Returning to love is to love ones self fully completely dark/light failures/successes good/bad right/wrong.
"Home is where the heart is"
Soul resides within the tiny space of the heart ...tiny space resides within the sacred space ...scared space resides within the physical heart.
Tiny space is the infinite space of all creation...
Fully integrated back to the soul self which is the "now" self, present self the gift of being & feeling fully present in each moment ...not living in the past or projecting the past into the future. Complete freedom to be who you are here to be in each breath you take.
No push/pull backwards or forward. Not living in the past or projecting into the future.
Present now. Being now. Loving now.
Grief is a purification or detoxification... when you feel like you are dying you are releasing the old to welcome the new. the release of attachments!!
"Objects and things don't make you feel different, you make you feel different"
Grieving beings are "awakening" beings
"Awake" beings are those who do not grieve anymore. We must allow the grieving process to move through us authentically for this to truly transform.
Grief is a gift that says congratulations you gave yourself fully to your have fully immersed yourself into that experience...well done!!!
It does not destroy your ego/inner child
It only eradicates the prison this loss the prison dissolves....the child is free to emerge and integrate with the adult self at the soul level into the heart the now self you grow up you grow wiser
When you love deep enough grief is your gift
Jealousy/envy are here to show you what you are about to receive ...when you see something you wish for more of experience a feeling a person or someone you wish to me more like it is a sign to show you what you truly desire...only you don't yet believe you can have it ( jealousy knocks on your door) this feeling is not a bad thing it is a reminder that you can choose to admire and appreciate that thing you so desire or be jealous either way it is a sign that your desires are coming to you ....the way you feel about it matters not. "Love or hate life is happening it is a choice which way you wish to feel about it "
"Things don't bring you happiness you bring you happiness"
It's ok to have things just choose not to put all your happiness on that one thing whether it's nice outfit a house, car or job and especially not your children or partner etccc
Enjoy and feel grateful for the experience of things...but know that happiness is a choice you chose to feel it ....
the car the job the house did not give you happiness
"you gave you happiness"
If you want to be happy then choose happy
Enjoy the things you have but know that if they were not there you still have the "option" to be and feel happy
Sometimes you are afraid to feel happy incase of disappointment
Disappointment is power being returned
Your Shadow self (unhappy/dark side of self) is the light of divinity in its repressed form
Expression is fully embracing the light of your being.
Feelings are a gift...when we limit ourselves or get stuck in one feeling sometimes we don't know how to get unstuck because the stagnation is so familiar and perceived as less scary then the thought of moving or changing our experience.
There are many ways we can free ourselves from this place and expand into more conscious awareness, it is embracing and observing those feelings without judgment and if we become aware of judgment not judging the judgment we can learn to be fully present with that too...
Presence is zero point ...presence is love
Presence is transformational
Being present is a gift
Are you aware how easy it is to create the life we deeply divinely desire, to live inside the most beautiful home (that home being the one inside of us)
We can create and uncreate, clear, change clean upgrade unlearn the programs & belief systems that created the unhelpful patterns of thoughts feelings & emotions we no longer want or need.
"By changing the neural pathways"
We can utilise many methodologies and modalities bringing divine truth balance integration introspection homeostasis freedom/liberation insights & wisdom...we can choose meditation and use breath work to be with the feeling...Observing/ listening/receiving...Energy & Belief work comes in many forms ....Tapping techniques, DNA Theta healing, Body/emotion code, Tibetan pulsing are highly beneficial from personal experience....trauma release exercise ...inner child integration/shadow work ....matrix energetic energy shaking...talking to a heart centred experienced professional ...a non biased trusted friend....find ways of expressing yourself creatively through singing and dancing...playing a musical instrument. Being active and also learning how to completely relax our bodies & minds. Changing our diets to high vibrational foods drinking pure clean & energised waters.
Whatever you choose...explore it and adventure through it whole heartedly with as much love and gratitude as you can allow.
In each moment life's wonderment and beauty will be revealed unto “joyous” step at a time.
Much love